Laird Close
Professor, Department of Astronomy
Astronomer, Steward Observatory

Laird specializes in novel astronomical observations utilizing new adaptive optics instrumentation. He is utilizing adaptive optics (which removes the blurring effects of the Earth's atmosphere) to study at very high resolution: low-mass stars, brown dwarfs, and extrasolar planets. As well he is interested in massive old AGB stars, young stars in the process of forming, & solar system objects like Titan and binary asteroids. He has been involved in the development of several adaptive optics systems and special high-contrast high resolution infrared cameras. He is the head scientist (PI) of the Magellan Adaptive Secondary AO system in Chile.
Professional Affiliations and Awards:
- American Astronomical Society, member
- CAREER Program Award, National Science Foundation, 2004
- NSERC Canadian Graduate Fellowship Abroad Award 1991-1995
- UBC Arthur Crooker Physics Prize, 1989
Research Interests
Direct imaging of exoplanets, High contrast imaging, Instrumentation
- Ph.D., 1995, The University of Arizona