
Astrobiology Education

Characterized by frequent discoveries and advancements and because astrobiology is such a dynamic and interdisciplinary area of study, we are all learners. The categories below are fluid and expanding.

Our education mission at AABC extends to academic audiences (staff, researchers, faculty, scholars, undergraduates, and graduate students), the community, and K-12 students and educators.

Our resources and links will expand, and we encourage you to reach out to AABC to direct us to important tools, resources, curricula, and suggestions for educational material that would be useful to you.

For more information, contact Corey Knox: 

Arizona Astrobiology Ambassadors Student Club

Volunteer, networking, and community outreach opportunities for all interested astrobiology enthusiasts. All graduate and undergraduate students welcome! Contact: Karla @ 

Astrobiology Academic Courses & Programs at the University of Arizona

A minor in Astrobiology will train undergraduates and graduates in the interdisciplinary field of astrobiology as a minor to their major area of concentration. Students of astronomy, biosciences, chemistry, geosciences and planetary sciences are often interested interdiciplinary or astrobiology research. This program will allow students to develop a strong core of understanding in astrobiology and helps place their major field in a broader context and can provide a foundation for graduate research.

For information about the astrobiology minor, please contact Amy Brenton at