Consciousness and the Universe

A salon-style discussion hosted by AABC

Consciousness and the Universe Flyer


5:30 – 7:30 p.m., Feb. 29, 2024


Dr. Stuart Hameroff, director, Center for Consciousness Studies, presents “Consciousness the Universe”, hosted by the Arizona Astrobiology Center.

This event is open to all students, faculty and staff. 

Dr. Hameroff is a prominent anesthesiologist and professor at the University of Arizona. He is best known for his research on consciousness, quantum biology, and the brain’s microtubules. Hameroff co-authored the Orch-OR theory of consciousness, proposing that consciousness emerges from quantum computations in these microtubules. His work has significantly contributed to the fields of neuroscience and quantum biology, sparking ongoing debates and investigations into the nature of consciousness.

Learn more about Dr. Hameroff


Shesh Vinay