
Astrobiology Discussions

Journal clubs, colloquia, and seminars related to astrobiology.

Exoplanets & Astrobiology Journal Club

To subscribe to our weekly Exoplanets & Astrobiology Journal Club send an email to with "subscribe exoplanets" in the message body.

Visit Journal Club

ORIGINS Seminars

ORIGINS seminars is the result of merging the ISM, Star and Planet formation group meetings and Exoplanets/Astrobiology Journal Club. This seminar series aims to bring together ISM star and planet formation people, exoplanets experts, planetary scientists and astrobiologists including topics from molecular clouds through star and planet formation to exoplanets detection and characterization and astrobiology.

The ORIGINS seminars meeting time is unchanged, noon on Mondays. Meeting rooms will be at Steward N305 and at LPL 309 on alternating Mondays. Check our schedule for the upcoming topics and dates!

The ORIGINS seminars is organized by Jinyoung Serena Kim.

View ORIGINS Seminar Schedule

Theoretical Astrophysics Program Colloquia

The Theoretical Astrophysics Program is an interdisciplinary program designed to foster scientific and academic links among the Physics, Astronomy, and Planetary Sciences community. Each semester the TAP Colloquia Committee invites new speakers working across all fields of theoretical astrophysics to share their current research.

Visit the Theoretical Astrophysics Program