
Welcome to the Arizona Astrobiology Center

Astrobiology is an exciting interdisciplinary field about the origins, evolution and distribution of life in the universe.

The Arizona Astrobiology Center is a hub for many scientific endeavors, providing bold and transformative dialogue.

Image of a person holding a bullhorn

AABC is now accepting submissions through Monday, March 31, for the 2025 Arizona Astrobiology Center Seed Grants. These are open to faculty, staff, grad students, and post docs. We welcome undergraduate research projects, but we would like these to be a partnership with faculty/staff. This funding is up to $10K.

The AABC Seed Grant program is an opportunity to foster creative, ambitious, and interdisciplinary scholarship and engagement in the expansive field of astrobiology. This initiative includes biological, physical, and space science projects as well as projects in the humanities, social sciences, arts, science education, and other fields. This seed grant is a call to thinkers and explorers across all disciplines.

Eligibility Criteria
All faculty, research staff, graduate students, and post-doctoral scholars affiliated with the University of Arizona are eligible to apply. Undergraduate students who are interested should partner with a faculty member, scientist, or graduate student. Disciplinary Scope: Open to all research and scholarly disciplines. Note: Applications will not be considered from recipients of AABC Seed Awards in 2024.

Apply here ->

2024 Seed Grantees 

AABC Meets...

Arizona Astrobiology Center members Michael Phillips (Space Imagery Center) and Sukrit Ranjan (Lunar and Planetary Lab) tell about their work and what the AABC can offer researchers and students in future endeavors. (More ->)




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